This was a meeting of the Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique (French Society for Plastic Surgery). Around 30 surgeons.
Dr Pascal spoke for the first time about the upper body lift in the presence of our 2013 president: Professor Darsonval. The conference lasted one and a half hours.
Dr Pascal reworked this operation because of the increase in demand. The original idea was to deal with the large folds on the back caused by significant weight loss.
The purpose of this work is to establish rules for the operation, to specify the possibilities and indications, to standardise the preoperative marking, to avoid technical traps and complications, etc. But very quickly, the indications expanded to include more cosmetic cases, for example to tango dancers who wish to wear very tight clothing to dance.
This work will be continued in a doctoral thesis defended in the faculty in Nancy in October 2013.