Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure which removes all the “lumps” in your body that you find unsightly or which make it difficult for you to find clothes. Often, this includes the stomach, the sides, the saddlebags, the inside of the thigh, knees, calves, etc.
Plastic surgeons can in fact aspirate in all locations where there is fat.
The advantages of liposuction are many and it is possible to carry out very substantial remodelling (decrease of 3 to 4 sizes, removal of 8 to 10 litres) without leaving a scar.
The only problem with liposuction is skin quality. If the skin is not elastic, the reduction in volume can cause a sensation of flabbiness or even folds of excess skin.
Luckily, the technique has developed since the 1980s. The size of the aspiration instruments has reduced considerably. The work is therefore much more regular. There are no longer irregularities and skin retraction is much better.
I use vibratory equipment which differs enormously from basic liposuction. Liposuction then becomes a very gentle procedure. Thanks to all these new techniques, more fat can be removed.
Previously, surgeons did not dare exceed 2 litres, which is completely insufficient in many cases. Nowadays, with expertise we are no longer limited and, in 25 years of practice, I have never had any problems.
Combination of operations:
As many areas as desired can be treated provided that this does not exceed 10% of body weight.
In conclusion:
The result is guaranteed for life as liposuction aspires the cells that produce the fat. This means fat production is no longer possible in the aspirated area.
The results:
Case No. 1
This involved the liposuction of 4.6 litres from the hips, saddlebags, insides of the thighs and knees.
Case No. 2
Global body liposuction: 7 litres removed. The buttocks appear rounder without having been touched.
Case No. 3
Abdominal liposuction: the skin has lifted on its own by retraction
Case No. 4
Liposuction on the back and sides: the folds of the back have disappeared