Augmentation of the buttocks by lipofilling (or lipomodelling) is an ideal plastic surgery procedure for patients who do not like the idea of having a foreign body in their buttocks.
The main problem is the need for excess fat to perform the graft. Therefore, this technique is not possible in thin women.
Today, the optimal approach is to combine lipomodelling with implants as fat grafts produce the most natural result by camouflaging the implant.
This plastic surgery is a painstaking task as the fat is grafted in interwoven, spaghetti-like strips so that each cell is nourished and stays alive.
The fat graft takes at a rate of 60%. The 40% which is eliminated is offset by inserting a little more.
In conclusion:
This is a technique that has become reliable and which I perform every day.
The results:
Case No. 1
The patient wanted moderate plastic surgery on the buttocks.
Case No. 2
Result of reconstructive surgery after a gastric sleeve operation which caused major weight loss.
The wrinkles have been effectively removed.