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Buttock surgery is one of Dr Pascal’s specialist areas. He has developed a particularly effective technique which allows problems with soft, sagging buttocks to be treated in all cases. He has taught the technique at his surgery school for years and even received an award from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). However, much experience is required to execute this operation successfully and after having performed more than 1,000 buttock lifts, he has been able to explore all the possibilities of this operation. Results are obtained without complications and his patients are delighted.

The ideal buttock

Although all buttocks are unique, there are many criteria for the ideal buttock which are recognised around the world: beautiful buttocks are round, curved with a firm appearance. Their surface is very smooth. They sit high and the infragluteal crease is short.

Despite these criteria, buttock surgery must be highly personalised in order to adapt the buttock operation to your specific wishes, particularly regarding volume. In fact, the ideal volume of the buttocks varies greatly according to ethnic origins and according to the individual. Each patient is different and I have created adaptable lift techniques in order to treat each case successfully.


Ageing of the buttocks occurs normally with age and depends on the specific genetics of the individual. Weight variations can accelerate this natural phenomenon.

As with the breasts, buttocks that sag become flatter. Dimples and ripples of skin appear at the bottom of the buttock. The consistency becomes soft. Many people confuse these irregularities with cellulite and employ various techniques to treat it. But the problem is not due to fat, it is excess skin. The only solution is to remove it by performing a buttock lift.


Lifting the buttocks corrects all these problems at the same time. When the buttocks are pulled upwards, they become rounder and the irregularities disappear.

Given that when the buttocks age they sag, it is logical to treat this by reversing the movement and drawing them upwards. However, it is often suggested that they are drawn downwards and that the scar is placed in the infragluteal crease, so that it is more discreet. I do not recommend this solution as it is not very effective and the scar is very visible in a swimsuit.

Buttock surgery allows excess skin to be removed from the buttocks while lifting them. It is nearly always accompanied by remodelling of the region; particularly refinement of the waist or correction of the thighs by liposuction.

Combination of operations:

Buttock lifts can be combined with many other procedures. If I perform abdominal surgery at the same time, with a circular scar which incorporates the scar associated with buttock surgery, this operation is called the BODY LIFT (or bodylift). We can also simultaneously perform a thigh lift, an infragluteal lift, lipomodelling, etc.

In conclusion:

The buttock lift is an operation that I love to perform as it gives me and my patients great satisfaction. Initially reserved for cases of significant weight loss, it has become, thanks to expertise gained over 25 years, an essential technique in cosmetic surgery cases.

The results:

Case 1:

This body shape, a little too gynoid, is very common among women. Buttock lifts treat all problems at the same time: tightening the buttocks as well as the volume of the thighs and sides. The entire middle third of the body is firmed and slimmed meaning the patient went down 2 trouser sizes!


Case 2:

Wrinkled, slack buttocks. This cosmetic surgery has completely smoothed out the buttocks and remodelled the body contour.


Case 3:

Normal ageing of the buttocks. The lift has a very rejuvenating effect.


Case 4:

Deformation of the buttocks after weight loss. Beautiful rounding after the lift

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Dr Pascal’s Message

Expertise gained over more than 25 years enables me to know how to be effective without fail. The buttock surgery technique that I have created meets strict rules that I teach around the world. It leaves a simple scar at the bottom of the back. I position it so that it is easy to hide with swimsuits or underwear. The operation is very effective on shape, dimples (smoothing), ripples and flabbiness. With regard to volume, the different techniques enable me to grant all of a patient’s wishes. There are 3 different situations: either the patient wants to reduce volume, or to retain it, or to increase it by injecting fat or with prostheses.

Dr. Jean-François Pascal

Arranging your appointment

It is not always easy to make an appointment for the first time with an aesthetic surgeon. This is why Dr Jean-François Pascal’s team does everything it can to make you feel confident the minute you set foot in the medical practice.
To best organise your aesthetic surgery project, simply follow the steps outlined below.

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